Hire top remote engineers, vetted and tailor matched to you

We connect you with trusted remote tech talent so you stop wasting time with bad hires. Only the top 1.6% pass our Silicon Valley-style interview process. Hire in hours, not months.

How we vet talent

The world’s leading companies use eWorker because of the quality of our talent. When you apply, we’ll help arrange an interview skills assessment and see if you’re a good fit.

Manual profile screening

Thousands of top talent apply. We review the candidate's background to assess relevant skills and experience.

Remote readiness

We manually assess answers for remote work compatibility, English proficiency, and soft-skills.

Technical interview

Extensive evaluation of technical skills and logic

Final candidate review

An independent team reviews each stage of the engineer vetting process to ensure consistency.

Candidate onboarding

Our team chats with the new eWorker engineer to welcome them, answer any questions, and set expectations.

Ongoing review

We regularly review engineers projects to ensure performance meets our quality assurance.

Our vetting process may be customised or changed at the company’s discretion

Here's how it works for companies

Work with remote talent as you need them, from full-time remote engineers to hourly contractors.

Connect & request

Describe the role and give details about your ideal talent.

You interview candidates

Average two interviews to hire.


You choose who to hire. We handle all the paperwork.

Here's how it works for talent

Work with remote companies – from full-time remote positions, freelance roles and contract opportunities.

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Starting a career in tech recruitment starts with the click of a button.

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Get vetted

Take an assessment. If you do well, your eWorker journey begins.

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Get started

Enter the exciting world of tech. Meet engineers and become a tech leader.


Get connected to our elite pool of top tech talent fast!