AI, ML & Data talent

How eWorker helps you find top talent

eWorker connects you to highly skilled talent enabling you to make higher quality hires swiftly.

Job Posts

Companies can post jobs starting from £299.* Post jobs directly on eWorker to get instant applications from top talent.

Invest to find the right talent faster

Boost your reach by promoting your jobs as Sponsored Listings to attract more candidates. Sponsored Jobs stand out in search results and can receive up to 5X more clicks.

*Job listings must comply with our terms, quality standards, and usage limits (e.g., to enhance jobseeker experience or prevent low-quality postings).

Featured Company Pages

Claim your Company Page to unlock employer-only features and add a company description, logo, and more.

Sponsored Jobs

Stand out on the #1 AI, ML & Data job site. Maximise the exposure of your company brand and jobs to your ideal talent as a Featured Employer..

Intelligent Profile Sourcing

Search through thousands of CVs and profiles worldwide. Target your search by skill, industry, education, title, location, and more, and start a conversation with your next great hire.

Vetted Talent

Hire top talent, vetted and tailor matched to you roles. eWorker vets AI, ML & Data talent to help you quickly identify which candidates have the skills you need. Spend less time sifting through CVs and more time connecting with the right people.

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